Издател: St. Kliment Ohridksi University
The Summer University encouraged participants from France, Bulgaria, Hungary, Serbia, Greece and the United States to engage in a dialogue about the latest tendencies in gender/ genre theory and practices as well as to discuss their work in progress. The interdisciplinary topic has allowed a rich gamut of approaches, coming from disciplines as diverse as anthropology, women's studies, films studies and visual arts, literature, linguistics, cultural studies, popular culture, and media studies - to mention but a few of the terrains where gender and genre intersect. The lively debates as well as the reverberating echoes from participants have confirmed that the Summer University was an inspiring effort at truly cross-cultural interdisciplinarity in action.
The essays collected in this volume, though being revised versions of the papers given at the University of Lille-3, continue the exchange of ideas as now they stand together in one textual body, inscribing the voices of 32 scholars and doctoral students from different cultural and intellectual backgrounds. The intersection of gender and genre has marked literary and cultural production in invigorating ways - as seen in the ensuing discussions of science fiction, electronic literature, sensation novels, detective fiction, documentary drama, Hollywood romantic comedies, gangster movies, opera as well as legal and media discourses. Organizing such diversity into neat boxes is impossible as many of the issues overlap; therefore the editors have chosen to follow the now conventional patterns of literature, linguistics, film studies and cultural studies.
Preface............................................................................................................... 7
Gender / Genre in Literature
Pascale Tollance Dis-location in Kazuo Ishuguro's A Pale View of Hills:
Genre/Gender at the Hands of Ghosts ......................................................... 11
Helene MachinalMapping Genres and Humankind in David Mitchell's Cloud
Atlas.................................................................................................................. 21
Gal'd Girard "Let Your Women Be Silent in the Churches": The Hauntings of
the Scold's Bridle in Stevie Davies' Fiction ................................................ 32
Stephanie Richet La representation du masculine dans trois sensation novels
de Mary E. Braddon..................................................................................... 41
Anne Ullmo Corporeality in Rikki Ducornet's Tetralogy of Elements............. 55
Helene Menegaldo Ecrire au feminin, en Russe (1880-1940).......................... 62
Gendering Detective Fiction
Isabelle Boof-Vermesse Damsels of Distress: The Revision of Gender in Hard-Boiled Fiction .............................................................................................. 77
Suzanne Bray Still on Probation: Women Clergy in Contemporary British Detective Fiction.......................................................................................... 88
Dominique Meyer-Bolzinger Savoir et intuition dans le roman policier........... 104
Maryse Petit Figures feminines dans la trilogie Millenium de Stieg Larsson................................................................................................ 116
Gender / Genre in Film
Marika MoiseeffLes representations de la procreation dans la science fiction: De nouveaux supports narratifs pour "penser" les identites........................ 129
Marianne Kac-Vergne Masculinity and Class in 1980s Science-Fiction Films ................................................................................................... 144
Gilles Menegaldo From the Gangster's Moll to the Femme fatale: Modes of Representation of Women in Hollywood Gangster Movies of the Thirties and Film Noirs ............................................................................................. 155
Betty-Despoina Kaklamanidou The New Millennium Hollywood Comedy: Charting a Genre's History .......................................................................... 167
Jasmina Lukic Engendering Closure: Reading Grbavica in a Feminist Perspective................................................................................................... 179
Beatrice Flamenbaum The Gothic and Cinema, Or the Expression of Secret and Violence in the Film Version of Jane Eyre by Stevenson...................... 193
Gender / Genre in Performance and Visual Arts
Philippe Vervaecke "The Rough-and-Tumble of Politics": Interwar Cartoon Representation of Women's Involvement in British Elections, 1918— 1935..................................................................................................... 203
Alexandra Glavanakova-Yaneva Writing the Deviant Body in Cyberlitera-ture....................................................................................................... 217
Kornelia Slavova The Politics of Gender and Genre in Doug Wright's Docudrama I Am My Own Wife......................................................................................... 226
Ralitsa Muharska 4 Saints in 3 Acts: A Travesty............................................... 236
Georgi Nyagolov Cleopatra: Shakespeare's Tragic Woman.............................. 248
Gender / Genre in Culture
Armando-Soba Joseph "Gender, Genre and Diversity": Une equation insoluble
a Hollywood?............................................................................................... 261
Catherine Maignant Women and the Reinvention of Catholicism in
Contemporary Ireland.................................................................................. 275
Guyonne Leduc Mary Astell as a Critic of Power Relations in Domestic and
Political Patriarchy........................................................................................ 288
Sharon P. Johnson Permutations of Genre, Gender and Guilt: Rape Narratives
in the Canards Sanglants of Nineteenth-Century France............................. 299
Edwige Nault Is the Recognition of a Right to Abortion a Feminine Fight
Only? Irish Context and Legal Discourse..................................................... 317
Edward E. Timke The Invisible Woman? Examining Newspaper Coverage of
Feminist Issues in the Chechnen Conflict..................................................... 327
Ronald Jenn "And you'll say kind of careless like [...]" Gender and Genre in
French Translations of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn............................................................ 342
Gender, Genre and Language
Margarita Rouski L'arret de justice comme genre textuel............................... 355
Anna Markova Aspects du concept de genre applique au discours des relations
internationales............................................................................................... 367
Malinka Velinova Le genre litteraire et le genre grammatical dans les aires
linguistiques gallo-romanes au Moyen Age................................................. 380
Irena Dimova Gender, Genre and Emotions...................................................... 392
Contributors ................................................................................................... 405
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