Раннохристиянски храм "Св. София" - Премъдрост Божия

Транспортните разходи са за сметка на клиента Първото издание на книгата излезе през 1996 г. и отдавна е изчерпано. Тогава гражданското сдружение Комитет за възстановяване на храм „Св. София" публикува книгата с любезното съдействие на Университетско издателство „Св. Климент Охридски", което пое изпяло разходите по отпечатването. Целта на това издание бе с набраните средства от продажбата му да се подпомогне възстановяването на храма за пълноценно провеждане на богослужения. Надяваме се, поне отчасти да сме помогнали в това отношение да бъде използван за всекидневна богослужебна употреба обичаният от всички нас храм.
The first edition of the book came out in 1996 and it has long been sold out. At that time, the civil association Committee for the Restoration of the St. Sophia Church published the book with the kind assistance of the St. Kliment Ohridski University Publishing House, which fully covered the costs for the printing of the book. The aim of that publication was to use the proceeds of the sale of the book to help the restoration of the temple for full divine service. We hope that we have helped in this respect, at least partly, the church we all love.
The centuries-old history of the St. Sophia Church is inseparable from the spiritual fate of the Bulgarian nation. The church stood in its present place even before Danubian Bulgaria was established in 681 ad, and at the end of the Middle Ages it gave its name to the city. The location of the St. Sophia Church is in the most sacral place in the ancient city. Tombs of martyrs of faith and of God-loving Christians from different ages are still to be found below the square. Intuitively, without preliminary advertising and attitudes, in the past two decades the citizens of Sofia chose the space around the church to express their long suppressed aspirations towards change. It is not accidental that the southern facade of the church became the focal point for official ceremonies and national festivities, a place where heads of state are welcomed, and military parades are organised.